Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Home Stretch

 Human Nature: selectively pick one thing - masks, distancing, hand washing or closing schools/restaurants or g*d forbid churches and say “see, that doesn’t work”, the virus is still expanding everywhere.

Rage against the Machine! Do your own thing!

Our healthcare infrastructure is overwhelmed in many states because of confirmation biases of that ‘one thing’ we choose to dispute.  It gives us the ability to forcefully live like its 2019. That’s how some people are fighting fear, thinking their willpower and vitamins are enough. C19 kills without bias or fear, doesn’t care what pill you are taking. C19 isn’t online, it’s in that one human being in line waiting for the next host. C19 is the Borg.

Meanwhile, as we stumble around fussing and pissing in the wind, the Science/Healthcare community identifies how to fight and works on safe and effective vaccines.  I’ve always heard “lead, follow or get out of the way”.  My money is on science, not politics. 👩🏻‍⚕️

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Deep, Deeper, Deepest

 I’ve been thinking about DJT and wondering about his upbringing under Fred Sr’s household. My opinion of Donald agrees with all the mental health specialists who wrote that letter in 2017 stating  he has serious multiple psychological issues and is dangerously unfit for the Presidency. His niece Mary is a Psychologist and a witness unlike any ordinary critic, and the fact that he ripped her off doesn’t diminish her experiences as reported in her recent book. 

I looked into some things written about Norman Vincent Peale by psychiatrists and religious leaders at the time Trump was growing up. I know Fred took his children to Peale’s church in NYC, Donald and Ivana we’re also married there. Trump was raised on the tenets of Peale’s book, ‘The Power of Positive Thinking.’ His father was a ruthless businessman who had zero scruples, according to everything I’ve read. 

The following notes are from Wikipedia and I don’t imply they’re right or wrong, but they do  comport to some of what Mary Trump’s book said about the house of Fred, her grandfather.  

     Dr. Albert Ellis' writings repeatedly warn the public not to follow the Peale message. Ellis contends the Peale approach is dangerous, distorted, unrealistic. He compares the black or white view of life that Peale teaches to a psychological disorder (borderline personality disorder), perhaps implying that dangerous mental habits which he sees in the disorder may be brought on by following the teaching. "In the long run [Peale's teachings] lead to failure and disillusionment, and not only boomerang back against people, but often prejudice them against effective therapy."

          A 1955 article by psychiatrist R. C. Murphy, published in The Nation, titled "Think Right: Reverend Peale's Panacea".

(With saccharine terrorism, Mr. Peale refuses to allow his followers to hear, speak or see any evil. For him real human suffering does not exist; there is no such thing as murderous rage, suicidal despair, cruelty, lust, greed, mass poverty, or illiteracy. All these things he would dismiss as trivial mental processes which will evaporate if thoughts are simply turned into more cheerful channels. This attitude is so unpleasant it bears some search for its real meaning. It is clearly not a genuine denial of evil but rather a horror of it. A person turns his eyes away from human bestiality and the suffering it evokes only if he cannot stand to look at it. By doing so he affirms the evil to be absolute, he looks away only when he feels that nothing can be done about it ... The belief in pure evil, an area of experience beyond the possibility of help or redemption, is automatically a summons to action: 'evil' means 'that which must be attacked ... ' Between races for instance, this belief leads to prejudice. In child-rearing it drives parents into trying to obliterate rather than trying to nurture one or another area of the child's emerging personality ... In international relationships it leads to war. As soon as a religious authority endorses our capacity for hatred, either by refusing to recognize unpleasantness in the style of Mr Peale or in the more classical style of setting up a nice comfortable Satan to hate, it lulls our struggles for growth to a standstill ... Thus Mr Peale's book is not only inadequate for our needs but even undertakes to drown out the fragile inner voice which is the spur to inner growth)

     Meyer quotes Peale as saying, "No man, however resourceful or pugnacious, is a match for so great an adversary as a hostile world. He is at best a puny and impotent creature quite at the mercy of the cosmic and social forces in the midst of which he dwells." Meyer noted that Peale always "reacted to the image of harshness with flight rather than competitive fight",and the only solution Peale offers out of this state of helplessness are his autosuggestive "techniques", which he claims will give people the power of God. 

     Meyer adds that the proof that positive thinking cannot work is that according to Peale, even with God's power on one's side, one still cannot face negative reality, which is always stronger.

Theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, professor of applied Christianity at the Union Theological Seminary, reported similar concerns about positive thinking. "This new cult is dangerous. Anything which corrupts the gospel hurts Christianity. And it hurts people too. It helps them to feel good while they are evading the real issues of life.”

This seems like fear, like whistling through a cemetery, or covering your eyes to avoid being a witness.  The piece in the ‘Atlantic’ on September 3rd touched on Trump’s aversion to seeing people with disabilities or the scars of battle, he turned his back, didn’t want to look at them. Remember his mocking of the journalist during his rally?  His bullying is to cover up his fear that it could happen to him. This is also why he hasn’t been able to offer compassion for the people lost to the pandemic under his watch, he knows it’s happening on his watch so denial is a reflex. “I take no responsibility” should be his tattoo. His remarks about POWs being losers because they were failures who got caught are horrid, and  tells me he’s terrified he will be captured and become a prisoner for all the crimes he’s committed. 

I can almost hear Fred telling him not to cry when he took a tumble, no emotion allowed that showed weakness.  Be strong!  But he has taken a huge tumble with this assault on the military and he’s cornered.  His motto is Punch Back, Harder!

Pray for America every day, he will undoubtedly pull a bigger, more dangerous “Wag the Dog” diversion than this Law and Order campaign strategy.  

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Procrastination or Distraction?

Guess what? I forgot that I had this blog. It started on a whim back in 2011, can you believe it? All the stories that could have been told. Poof, gone with the wind.

I only put out 2 posts before getting distracted.  That's pathetic but such was my reality 6 years ago, and its only going to get more challenging in 2017 so I may backslide.  Back then, my mom started to have a few more health issues and my work and church life got busier. Way too much for telling now.

So let's just fast-forward to August, 2015 when Eva Wooton Hoskins Arvin, my mother, housemate and best friend, decided 96 years was long enough to be in charge of all of us and joined my ancestors in heavenly rest. Six months later, I retired from 30+ years of retail banking with the only for sure goal of cleaning my house thoroughly.

I sorted papers and filed my taxes and donated clothes and shoes which took me into April. Some of that lack of ambition was procrastination but most of that was grief because her essence was in every room, her combs and brushes, her iron skillets, the little indentations on my sofa where she liked to lay while we watched Jeopardy. (I miss that time)

I do not wish this to be depressing, because out of this time a miracle happened. There's a song from my youth by the Boxcars, The Letter, with a line that says " lonely days are gone, I'm coming home, my baby wrote me a letter".  Except it was a text message from my youngest "baby" about a grandbaby and a "suggestion" that I should make a new home where my heart would be happier.

And that, friends, is a wonderful new distraction from sadness and also a motivation to stop procrastinating, clean house, sell out and head North.  One year retired, relocated, babysitting and blogging again.  I will update about Ott, a cat of extraordinary longevity, in a future post. Oh, and Beware the Ides of March!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cat Hair

I have a cat named Ott, a large orange and white male who in his prime was known to slay neighborhood dogs and strike fear in birds, squirrels and other cats .  He came to me after participating in a serious fight with some other street thug and I was compelled to have him repaired.  He smelled like cotton candy. His purr sounded like distant thunder.  He needed me, and I cannot turn away any of God's children or creatures, and so we bonded. We are each others "significant other" these days, we are empty-nesters.

That was over 10 years ago.  Now he is retired and spends most of his day waiting for me to come home and feed him.  This morning while getting ready for work, I sat at the foot of the bed to dress.  Upon arriving to work, I realized I had also put on about 3 inches of white cat hairs.  He's taken to sleeping with me since the other animals went over the "golden bridge".  Today, while having lunch at home, he decorated selfsame pants with another dusting from our shared sofa.  Good thing I buy lint rollers in bulk.

I thought he was losing weight, turns out he's just going bald.  I often wondered what my golden years would be like.  Even though I don't have a husband, I do have a useless, overweight, and balding male companion who snores at night.  But he doesn't cheat on me, spend my money or make cracks about my weight so I think he can stay while I figure out how to wear light colored trousers year-round. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sundays with Yoda

After much thought and lack of interesting things to watch on television, it has become evident that I should have to entertain myself with deep thoughts, pithy prose and or shallow answers depending on my mood.

The daughters tell me I need to blog.  We shall see.   "Sundays with Yoda" seems like a good place to start.

First of all, I didn't sleep Saturday night, it was Sunday about 4am when I finally conked out.  I drank 2 cokes and a coffee yesterday which is way too much caffeine for me.   Still, I made it to church on-time with no problems.  I depend totally on my smart cell phone.  It's not a trendy "smart phone" but it has an alarm feature and automatically adjusts to DST, so that's pretty cool,  and when people ask me if I have a smart phone I can truthfully say 'yes'.

Pastor Joshua is doing the "7 Deadly Sins". Today's topic was Envy - turns out wanting money is not only greed, it's envy if you don't have any and wish you had a bunch.  So, I'm 2 for 2, with five more to go, and I'm pretty sure you'll find me 7 for 7.  And also,  I'm secretly glad that I wasn't a member of the early church because God struck dead a man and his wife for being greedy and telling lies. BAM! just like that, dead & buried and the service goes on. Check it out .. Acts Chapter 5, Vs 1-11.

Sunday is also family day, so I spent time with Mom, brother Joe and daughter Kelley.  Made a pot roast and cooked enough other things that I should be eating healthy this week and no-fast-food. At least that's the goal.  I have a few goals, but getting healthier is the biggest one for me.

Like I said, we shall see.